that I don't want to forget. I hope I never forget how much fun this age has been. Your sweet words are enough to make my heart melt all day long. You are also VERY entertaining and keep us laughing most of the day. I am not very good with remembering the video camera and I never catch my favorite things anyway so I thought I would document a few.
1. You call your daddy "daddy bear" these days.
2. You call spotted bananas "giraffes" which comes out "yi-raff-a". I think that is so clever. They do look like giraffes :)
3. You seem to forget who you're with often and suddenly look up and say "hi mama!" with the biggest grin like we haven't been together all day long.
4. You love the moon and we have to go out and say goodnight to him every night before bed.
5. If we forget to say grace before we start shoving food in our mouths at dinner, you reach your hands out and say "prayers". You say "Amen!" with lots of enthusiasm at the end.
6. You love football. Last Sunday morning when you're one video of the day was on, you looked up and said "Barney, off! Football game, ON!! Watch it!". Your daddy never got up so quickly and changed it and sure enough you stood there and clapped and watched football.
7. You LOVE babies. You spend lots of time at the Regents games mothering baby Dean. You feed his bottles, wipe his face with his burp cloth and pat his little head. You will be the sweetest big sister ever.
8. You are in love with Owen. You ask for my phone all day long and say "video" meaning to watch the video of you and Owen. You sit there and do that darling belly laugh over and over again at the same 3 minute video. You think he is soooooo funny.
9. You finally say "love you" which sounds like "yuv you" and give great kisses and hugs anytime we request them.
10. If you aren't listening to me and I say "Listen to Mama!" in a stern voice you go sit in a corner and say "time out" on your own. It breaks my heart. You are too good to be true.
11. You call yourself "Char-dit".
My dear Charlotte Grace, I just never imagined I could love you any more than I did the day we met, but I do. Just like we sing every night when we rock, you are my sunshine. You make my world sooooo happy. I love you, sweet baby!
6 years ago
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