First smile - 5 weeks
Rolled over - 4 1/2 months
Sat up - 6 months
First 2 teeth - 6 1/2 months
Army crawl - 6 1/2 months
Real crawl - 8 months (last weekend at Nana's!!)
Pulling up - 8 months
Push up to hands and feet - 8 months
Waved bye bye - today!!! (8 1/2 months) - fyi... other firsts today, first yogurt, first chick-fil-a chicken and the first time I brushed her HAIR after her bath!!! Yay!!!!!
My sweet girl is learning new things everyday, I think this is my favorite age so far (although I say that every month!) She "talks" all day long and she is so happy. The temper is much better and she only cries if she wants to go to bed or wants out of the car seat. She understands "no" and stops what she is doing when I say it, but turns to me and cracks up... uh oh. She has this new shy face where she puts her bottom lip out and puts her head down when somebody new says hi to her, it is sooooooo adorable. Macy is still her favorite and her dad comes in a close second for getting smiles. She loves Miss Martha and never cries when Mommy leaves for work which makes Mommy's life soooo much better. Her favorite toys are her leap frog table and her books - she turns the pages herself, so cute. She loves attention from her grandpas and loves watching big kids play. She has become a total food snob and only eats her homemade food from Martha, no gerber for her. And there is one person's arms who are still the absolute best for holding and those are her mama's. I dread the day that she wants me to put her down and "do it herself"... I know it won't be long. For now I will just continue to spoil her :)
8 month pic
I love you Charlotte!! Your picture makes me miss you even more:(