Monday, December 6, 2010

11 months going on 3...

At 11 months, you are growing up into quite a brave and wild little lady. It appears that you take after your daddy in more ways than just your darling face. You are quite the dare devil! You have taken your first few little steps - yay!! It is so much fun to watch you try, it takes so much effort and you are so proud of yourself afterwards even if you fall. You can climb up and down the stairs by yourself and like to climb on anything. You can climb up the steps at the park and slide down the big kid slide by yourself. You have figured out the dog door and love to get outside any chance you get. You prefer to walk everywhere if anyone will hold your hand and you still hate to be restrained in a carseat or stroller. You are done with baby food and can eat anything we eat although you are already starting to become a picky toddler, boo hoo. You drink out of your straw and sippy cups without help. You sleep from 8 to 8 now and still love your bed and your lovie. You babble and yell all day long and your little language is sounding more and more like words everyday. You still have quite a strong personality and we have learned that you are also quite persistent. You think "no" and even spanking your little hand are hilarious... great. I better get to reading "How to Raise a Strong Willed Child" pretty soon. Nana and Pops consider it payback, ha ha. You hate accessories - bows, socks, shoes, sweaters, etc. It makes your Mama quite sad. I keep trying the bows every few days and you just pull it right out. If you had it your way, you would be in a diaper all the time. You are so much fun and we spend most of our time watching you and laughing at how silly you are. Love you to pieces, Charlotte Grace.

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