Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hawaii Day 3

OK... so I have some serious blogging to get caught up on. We have been so busy having fun this summer that there hasn't been much time to document it all!! What a terrible problem to have, right?!? This is the best summer that I can remember since the summer Sam and I met (9 years ago!!!) I forgot how much I love all things summer... going to the pool, floating in the lake, early morning jogs, summer vacations, corn on the cob, cold drinks and fresh pies...and the list goes on and on. And then there's things I didn't know I loved about summer - like little girls in nightgowns, a naked baby with a white bootie, family walks in the evening, playing outside until way after bedtime... and that list goes on and on too. We have had tons of time with friends and family - my favorite thing in the world. I have lots of pics of all of this fun we've been having so stay posted!

Anyways... for now here's Hawaii day 3. We stayed close to home after our adventure on day 2. We started out at the Kona farmers market where we got some fresh fruit and souveneirs. Then we headed back to the beach to be bums. Char and the sand got along better and she actually enjoyed playing in it. Charlotte got a much needed long nap while we had adult time at the pool. Then we all headed to our first Luau! We enjoyed some traditional Hawaiin food and watched a fabulous show, it was lots of fun. Charlotte loved watching the dancing and almost managed so stay awake for the whole thing!! My sweet girl was SUCH a trooper, I was so proud of her!

Learning to Hula!

Watching the show

Dancing... adorable!

Mmmmmm... cookie!

Getting comfy with Dada

JaJa and Papaw's anniversary dance - celebrating 40 years this June!!


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