It has been so long since I have written about what my little sweetie is up to! I took this picture at 18 mo and intended to do an update with it, and here I am catching up 2 months later! Charlotte Grace is quickly approaching 2, which (as I always say) I just can't believe. At 20 months, my favorite of her tricks is her speech. She is a little chatterbox all day long, can pretty much say anything and now is starting to put little sentences and phrases together. It is just amazing to see her little mind work and I still get teary eyed occasionally when she says something new in that precious little voice. Miss Martha took her to music class yesterday and when they pulled back up to the house for lunch, Charlotte said "Gracias, Martha". I am so proud of her please's and thank you's and yes ma'am's (which actually sounds like yes sam)! She is learning more and more spanish which cracks me up. She likes to go to the "parque" and when she sees kids there she says "muchos ninos"! She also just started talking on the phone and will say "hi daddy, I love you!". Makes him melt. She loves her days with Martha, and they have quite a time together. They are doing Rolly Pollies on Mondays, storytime at the library on Tues/Fri and music class on Wednesday. And of course lots of walks and going to the park and playing in the playroom in between. Charlotte loves her little friend Brooke, who walks down most days in the afternoon to play outside or upstairs. Charlotte's loves to do anything outside - thank goodness it is FINALLY cooling down! She loves to play on her little cars and bikes, check the mail, run around in the grass barefoot (really naked is best), water the plants, look at the moon and stars at night, play on the deck and slide after dinner, run up and down the hill in the backyard and throw Macy's ball. Charlotte is still a great eater and pretty much eats what we eat. She is even less picky with veggies these days and will eat peas, carrots, corn, asparagus and spinach! We had a set back last month with sleeping when I tried to put the poor thing in the closet to sleep at Nana's. She is in a fearful stage anyway right now and she still hasn't forgiven me. She has to sleep with her door open and night light on and won't sleep in a pack 'n play away from home. She is slowly getting better at home though and sleeps her usual 11 1/2 - 12 hours. She never fights naps with me but does with Martha. She definitely thinks she is the boss of Martha. Yesterday when Martha tried to put her down, she said "Martha, rock!" so guess what, Martha rocked her to sleep. Spoiled ;) Charlotte loves music these days, we spend many many hours singing songs together. It is a perfect way to pass time in the car, airplane, car wash, etc. Her favorite is "friends", where we go through all of our friends and family's (and dogs!) names. Charlotte loves everyone in her life and prefers to have guests all the time! She used to cry when anybody left but has gotten better about that. She also likes to dance and is really into dressing up in her tutu's and jewelry and fancy shoes! She loves new clothes and says "oooooooooooh or wow!" when I bring new clothes home for her. Then she says, "try on" and "fits?" and tries everything on! I really don't need any encouragement from her to buy new clothes!! Charlotte is the perfect combination of a girly girl who is tough and can keep up with the boys! I love seeing her little personality develop. She continues to be my little sunshine and fills my heart with joy everyday. She loves her mama dearly and doesn't like me too far from her sight these days, I don't mind. I just read this to her daddy to see if there is anything to add and he reminded me that she LOVES football!! He is quite proud. It is true, she says "football game, FUN!!" all the time and does love the games. What could be better than staying up late, playing with lots of kiddoes, watching the cheerleaders and eating hotdogs?! Oh, and how could I forget? Char can count to 10, knows all of her body parts, recognizes animals and their sounds and is learning colors and shapes! I am so proud of my smart little girl!!!
Charlotte's 18 month stats:
Height 31.25 in (40%) - you go girl!!!
Weight 27 lb (85%)
Head circumference (97%)
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